Airvpn review, unlike most VPN providers does not try to lure you in by using trendy web design or sales-y language. Instead, it offers a clear focus on the user’s privacy and transparency in technical aspects. This may not appeal to aesthetically-inclined customers, but it certainly shows a commitment to what matters most.

OpenVPN is used to encrypt your data. This makes it nearly impossible for hackers or anyone trying to steal your information to decrypt.

It also provides a range of security options including the kill switch and DNS leak protection. It also utilizes SHA256 for authentication, and AES256-GCM for encryption, making it virtually impossible for anyone to break.

Airvpn can bypass the Great Firewall of China, that makes it different from other VPNs. It accomplishes this by routing traffic through TCP Port 443, which is usually used to secure web traffic.

The support forums are a fantastic feature, since they are filled with long-term users who will be able to answer all your questions. It’s not as simple to navigate and the interface can be somewhat overwhelming for novices.

The service provides an adequate 246 servers network however, there are only a few in Asia and Oceania. It still manages to deliver very competitive speeds for local connections, and loses only 10-15% from the speed you use at your base. The only downside is that how to clear clipboard on android it forces users to pay with Bitcoin that eliminates any privacy and ties your identity directly to the service.

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