Avast’s antivirus free software offers an impressive set of tools and features that make it one of the most sought-after options for beginners. Despite some controversy over the suite’s data- and session-logging, (and subsequent sale of consumer browsing habits to an affiliate), Avast still has an advantage over its competitors when it comes to malware identification. The initial scan that forms part of the process of installing is also a nice feature. It sets the suite up to use its native tools.

All Avast plans are available for Windows, macOS, and Android, and they all come with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Upgrading to one of the premium suites gives you access to a number of additional tools like an advanced firewall, anti-phishing security, and an automatic VPN. It also gives you the Rescue Disk, a secure browser for online shopping and banking, advanced anti-tracking technology, and a data room set of good tools to optimize your system.

One of the most effective tools is Avast’s Smart scan, which is a more thorough and faster alternative for checking your computer for problems. While it’s a great tool however, my tests have revealed some issues when trying to search for specific types malware, such as ransomware, that could lock certain files indefinitely and demand a charge for their return.

Another handy tool is Avast’s web cleanup module, which cleans browsing histories of caches, cookies, and caches for all major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Brave, Edge, Internet Explorer) as well as a range of other applications. This is a basic, efficient feature, however it’s not equipped with the same options for customization or privacy settings as some of its competitors.

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