A successful board meeting is a combination between planning, preparation and execution. Board meetings typically take the most time, but they can be a critical element of a company’s success. With this in mind it’s essential that companies maximize board interactions by following the best practices that facilitate effective decision-making.

Start and End On Time

It is no secret that many board meetings start late and last longer than they ought to. It’s essential that meetings begin on time and finish promptly to reduce the amount of fatigue during meetings.

Set the agenda for the meeting.

It is normal to get lost in board meetings due to new topics for discussion that could take up precious meeting time. To avoid this, prioritize two crucial issues that need to be discussed and limit every discussion to 30 minutes. This will help keep the meeting focused and productive on the important issues.

Distribute Directors with the Board Pack in advance

Providing board members with their agendas for meetings and board materials in advance helps them prepare for the meeting prior to time and increases the chance to be punctual when the meeting begins.

Assess Your Meetings

Give each board member sticky note at the close of each meeting. Request them to write „+“ to indicate that something is functioning well and „-“ if there are improvements needed. This will provide the board’s leaders with honest feedback and help to create a an improved board meeting in the future.


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