Board meetings, regardless of whether they are held in person or via videoconference, must be focused on creating action items and deciding. The best way to do this is to follow some basic board meeting guidelines.

Before any official business is discussed, it is important to make sure there is the quorum. This is typically stipulated in the bylaws of an entity, and involves a call to ensure that there is enough people in attendance to vote.

Then, the chair should inquire if any of the members have any corrections or changes to the minutes from the last meeting. If there are none they can be approved as written.

After all the old business is settled, new business can begin. The board must go through the agenda item-by-item making time for discussion and voting. Ideally, matters for decision should be scheduled prior to the beginning of the meeting. This is because these issues are likely to have been considered and discussed in previous board meetings or even one-on-one with directors in particular.

To keep the meeting running it’s essential to establish clear etiquette rules around speaking time. For example, directors should not speak until after the speaker has completed. Additionally there should be no interruptions to another speaker, regardless of the importance of their argument. If a topic is taking over your time, consider deferring it to the next meeting or scheduling an interim conference so that you can discuss it in a shorter amount of time.

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