Board meetings are the place where major decisions are made. it’s not common for a company’s entire management structure to be decided by a vote at a board meeting. There’s much riding on the quality of your board’s minutes therefore it’s essential that you know how to handle them as efficiently and accurately go to the website as you can.

A template or outline based on the agenda prior to time makes it easier for the person who takes minutes to keep track with the conversation and to record relevant details. It’s also helpful to keep an agenda of the attendees so that everyone’s name can be noted when they arrive. This will save valuable time and make it easier to put together the finalised minutes of the board meeting after the meeting.

Avoid getting too personal. It’s best to keep the minutes impartial and refrain from mentioning personal disputes or arguments and political opinions, as well as idle chat. Don’t discuss the personal lives of the members or any other personal stories which aren’t relevant to business.

It is crucial to document every vote, including who made the motion and who voted for it, the exact form of the motion and if the motion was passed. In addition, it’s an excellent idea to record the number of yays and negatives for each item along with the reasoning behind the votes that absent or not. This will be helpful in the event of any legal challenges in the future.

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