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A VPN can provide an additional layer of privacy and security for your tablet, computer or mobile device. However, not all VPNs are to be the same, and a lot aren’t free. This guide will help you find the most reliable VPN application which offers reliable protection and performance.

ExpressVPN is the best free VPN I’ve seen. It lets you access Netflix and more than 100 other streaming sites that are popular. The provider employs AES 256 encryption, which is paired with WireGuard and ChaCha20, and doesn’t limit data transfer. It comes with a feature known as MediaStreamer that can be used on devices like gaming consoles as well as smart TVs which don’t support VPNs natively. Its mobile and desktop apps are also user-friendly.

Proton VPN is another good option. It has no restrictions on data usage and can be used by up to 10 devices simultaneously. It’s the second product from Proton. The team includes members of the renowned CERN institute. The free version of the product allows access to servers in 3 locations and maintains good speeds. It also doesn’t have any limitations for streaming and P2P file-sharing.

TunnelBear has cute bear-themed mascots throughout its interface. This makes it one of the most user-friendly and easy to use free VPN services out there. It is compatible with Windows 7 and up, and the apps are simple to use — you can connect to a server location by just a single click. It also offers a large number of servers (47 countries) as compared to other free VPNs. It also comes with an interesting feature called GhostBear which hides your internet traffic to bypass strict censorship, for example in China or Iran.

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